Hi Ladies! Beauty Bloggers Shalunya from Shalunya and Boyet and El from The Beauty Isle teamed up to create The Resolute Beauty Blogger. They wanted to do this to not only stay on track with their Beauty Blog Resolutions for 2014 but also to give other beauty bloggers the chance to join in on the action.
Here are my goals and updates on each:
Gain a larger following- I finally reached 100 followers on bloglovin'! I know this isn't alot to some people but it took me almost a whole year to get to that! I'm not really sure how to increase my numbers besides continuing to do the stuff that I am already doing. I haven't done a Twitter chat in quite some time so I could do one of those soon. I just don't see the point in stressing out trying to gain followers. I already spend probably 50-60% of my free time blogging as it is.
Continue to collaborate with other beauty bloggers- I had one thing planned but not sure if its still happening. I would like to do some type of collab in the next couple months.
Learn more about the beauty blogger world- I'm learning about adding ads and such to my blog and youtube videos. Its kind of hard when you have questions and such or are having issues and google makes it impossible for you to get help. They don't give you any email address for support!
Participate in a No Buy and Tags- I am about to do a Blogging Secrets tag but haven't even thought about doing a no buy. I really should too!
Try to do more fashion related posts- I am working on my fall editions of What's in my Closet. I also plan to do a fall fashion trends post and trying to think of another type of fashion series to do.
Try to use Instagram and Twitter more often- I have used Twitter a little more this past month but not THAT much more.
Try out more drugstore brand products- I am LOVING some products from Essence Cosmetics. You can check out my review on their 2014 Spring/Summer line HERE. I am in the process of trying out their 2014 Autumn/Winter line now. I will have a review coming soon. They really have some great products that are so affordable. I am also going to try out some new drugstore foundations.
***Side note: I am back on track with keeping notes in my notebook. I am back to creating schedules for posting as well as brainstorming post ideas.
My Personal Resolutions:Try out more drugstore brand products- I am LOVING some products from Essence Cosmetics. You can check out my review on their 2014 Spring/Summer line HERE. I am in the process of trying out their 2014 Autumn/Winter line now. I will have a review coming soon. They really have some great products that are so affordable. I am also going to try out some new drugstore foundations.
***Side note: I am back on track with keeping notes in my notebook. I am back to creating schedules for posting as well as brainstorming post ideas.
Be more positive and appreciate what I have-I'm kind of failing at this as of lately. I've been in a rut lately about a lot of things. Some things relating to my job and others to my personal life.
Eat healthier- Eh, I suck lol. What I need to do is stop buying chips and pretzels when I go food shopping. I am also eating more bread and carbs than I should be. I complain about how I look then I go and grab a bag of chips and snack on them. I know it makes no sense...
Definitely not my best updates this month but it could be worse.
Definitely not my best updates this month but it could be worse.
This is where I am with my goals this month! I hope you enjoyed reading.
-Tanya xoxo
-Tanya xoxo
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