Hi Ladies! Beauty Bloggers Shalunya from Shalunya and Boyet and El from Glossy Glam Blog teamed up to create The Resolute Beauty Blogger. They wanted to do this to not only stay on track with their Beauty Blog Resolutions for 2014 but also to give other beauty bloggers the chance to join in on the action.
Here are my goals and updates on each:
Gain a larger following- I have noticed all of my social media accounts growing by a few people each week. I have gathered the largest following on Google+. I am getting at least 1-3 new followers a week on Bloglovin'. I am ALMOST at 100 followers on Bloglovin' (currently 94) which is exciting to me.
Continue to collaborate with other beauty bloggers-I am posting a collab this Friday with a few of my blogger friends so stay tuned!
Learn more about the beauty blogger world-I didn't really learn that anything new this month. I did have a great business opportunity pop up which I am excited about. I had my first conference call with a cosmetic company. So that was cool yet a little scary at the same time.
Participate in a No Buy and Tags-I recently did the Lip Product Addict Tag. You can check that out HERE. I haven't attempted a no buy. I haven't been that bad with purchasing this either though. I have been itching to go to Sephora to purchase so more Bite Beauty products. I have a feeling its going to happen really soon.
Try to do more fashion related posts- I have a fashion related tag that I plan to create and post in August. I am still struggling to finish my Get the Look for Less post. I have some ideas for a couple other fashion related posts.
Try to use Instagram and Twitter more often-I am seriously slacking with Twitter.
Try out more drugstore brand products-I love Rimmel and Milani but haven't ventured to other brands yet. None have really interested me THAT much to try. However, Elle from Elle Sees has tempted me to check out Bonne Belle.
***Side note: I am slacking with keeping notes in my notebook. My post schedules haven't really been organized and pre-determined like they have been previously.
My Personal Resolutions:Try out more drugstore brand products-I love Rimmel and Milani but haven't ventured to other brands yet. None have really interested me THAT much to try. However, Elle from Elle Sees has tempted me to check out Bonne Belle.
***Side note: I am slacking with keeping notes in my notebook. My post schedules haven't really been organized and pre-determined like they have been previously.
Be more positive and appreciate what I have-I would say I am doing good with this. I have spent a lot of time recently with family and friends which has made me really happy. I am also going away in about a week so I can't wait!
Eat healthier- Not doing as good as would have liked. I think I failed the whole "lose weight before my trip" goal. But I will be honest and say I haven't put 100% into eating healthy and not snacking.
This is where I am with my goals this month! I hope you enjoyed reading.
-Tanya xoxo
-Tanya xoxo
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