Hi Ladies! Beauty Bloggers Shalunya from Shalunya and Boyet and El from Glossy Glam Blog teamed up to create The Resolute Beauty Blogger. They wanted to do this to not only stay on track with their Beauty Blog Resolutions for 2014 but also to give other beauty bloggers the chance to join in on the action.
Here are my goals and updates on each:
Gain a larger following- I am slowly getting more of a following which is great. However, I knew there was something I haven't been doing to increase my numbers. I actually meet up with El in person last night for some drinks which was really awesome! We chatted a ton about life in general but also blogging. She discussed with me ways that I can increase my following. One of which is being more active on Twitter. I am lacking in this area so in March and the coming months I will make more of an effort to be active on Twitter. She mentioned taking part in Twitter Chats so I will be participating in one tomorrow!
Continue to collaborate with other beauty bloggers- Since the Face Five Challenge, I haven't done any collaborations with other bloggers. I would really like to do more collaborations. I need to brainstorm some ideas and reach out to some fellow bloggers.
Learn more about the beauty blogger world- I am continuing to learn new stuff all the time. One of which being the Twitter Chats mentioned above. I had no clue what a Twitter Chat was and El had to fill me in on that.
Participate in a No Buy and Tags- This month has already been though with buying. I have spent a crazy amount of money on stuff that I don't need. I am not going to go on a no buy but for April and May, I am going to do my best to not buy anything makeup related unless I run out of something. I have no business buying more beauty products! I have enough to last me a life time!
Try to do more fashion related posts- I am still doing about one fashion post a week which was my goal. I would like to do more but I just have so many beauty related posts scheduled and ideas in my head.
Try to use Instagram and Twitter more often- This is pretty much the same this month as last. I am using Instagram all the time but am lacking when it comes to Twitter. I use Twitter mainly for my daily posts and will do Friday Follow. I feel like once that I get the hang of Twitter, it will be a lot easier for me to use frequently.
Try out more drugstore brand products- I have purchased some more drugstore brand products in Feb and the beginning of March. I am taking a break from purchasing for a while but when I decide I am ready to spend money, I would like to try some Milani products like their Baked Blushes.
**One thing I would also like to note. I started writing down my blog schedules and ideas in a notebook and it has really helped keep me on schedule with my posts. I really enjoy having all my ideas in one place and not on fifty different sticky notes in my purse.
Try out more drugstore brand products- I have purchased some more drugstore brand products in Feb and the beginning of March. I am taking a break from purchasing for a while but when I decide I am ready to spend money, I would like to try some Milani products like their Baked Blushes.
**One thing I would also like to note. I started writing down my blog schedules and ideas in a notebook and it has really helped keep me on schedule with my posts. I really enjoy having all my ideas in one place and not on fifty different sticky notes in my purse.
Be more positive and appreciate what I have- Still doing my best but like everyone, I have my not so good days.
Eat healthier- I found out one great way to shop healthier...GO SHOPPING ON A FULL STOMACH! I usually go food shopping on a Friday night after working when I just want to eat dinner. I end up throwing a TON of junk in my cart because I am hungry lol. I went food shopping right after eating a few weeks ago and let me tell you..I had a lot easier time not picking up bags of chips and such. This month, I grabbed bags of flavored almonds instead of bags of Doritos and Cheetos to snack on. I also bought more veggies to make with dinner. Lastly, I FINALLY found an alcoholic drink that I like that isn't packed with sugar! I will be drinking Captain's and Diet Coke from now on if I go out for drinks (instead of Stoli and Crandberry Juice or Magaritas).
This is where I am with my goals this month! I hope you enjoyed reading.
-Tanya xoxo
-Tanya xoxo
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